Vacancies in astroparticle physics


The Faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam has launched a major new initiative: GRAPPA - GRavitation and AstroParticle Physics in Amsterdam, and is hiring at least four new faculty for that initiative.

GRAPPA is a collaboration between the Astronomical Institute Anton Pannekoek (API), the Institute for High-Energy Physics (IHEF) and the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITFA). Each of these institutes already has a programme of research into the fundamental laws of physics using a variety of observational probes of the cosmos and theoretical developments inspitred by these. The intention of the programme is to provide a focused research centre in which these efforts are brought to an even higher level by interdisciplinary collaboration. Some further information on the programme may be found at

To jump-start the programme, we are searching at least four new faculty members in senior and junior ranks, tenured or tenure-track. A full professorship is available for an inspiring candidate with leadership qualities and a clear vision on how to make the initiative a world-leading programme in the field by joining the participating institutes' efforts into a coherent programme, as well as proven ability to teach and to attract substantial external research funding. Junior faculty positions are available to candidates with a proven record of interdisciplinary research in this field, an excellent publication record, and ability to teach inspiringly and attract external research funding. The subfields of research into which the candidates will be hired are not fixed; excellence of the candidates, interdisciplinary interests, and overlap and affinity with the existing work at the UvA will be used to select the candidates, in addition to the above criteria.

Within the context of GRAPPA, we currently focus on the following areas of research: At API, GRAPPA researchers focus on the formation and properties of extreme matter and magnetic fields in strongly curved spacetime, near black holes and neutron stars, and the high-energy messengers emanating from them (X and gamma rays, cosmic rays, neutrinos, gravity waves, radio waves). We are involved in numerous major instrumental initiatives, such as LOFAR, CTA, and many current space instruments, and in theoretical studies of these issues.

At IHEF, GRAPPA researchers focus on the study of cosmic neutrinos using the ANTARES and KM3NeT detectors, as well as on accelerator studies of physics beyond the standard model.

At ITFA, GRAPPA researchers focus on fundamental aspects of quantum gravity and black-hole physics, and on studies of the physics of the early universe and its measurable impact on present-day observables.

Further information is available at Enquiries about the positions may be made with profs. Stan Bentvelsen (IHEF,, Jan de Boer (ITFA,, and Ralph Wijers ( Evaluation of the applications will start on December 1, 2010, and continue until the positions are filled.

Applicants should send their CV, a research and teaching statement and three letters of reference, as well as the level of position they are applying for to

posted: 20 September 2010